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  Our success depends on your's
  To enable all the benefits of the SnapperWorks solution, Axelent Software offers services like:

Development - to adapt every solution to the specific needs of every customer and market.
Implementation - join the customer in implement SnapperWorks though-out the customer´s organization.
Education - to share the necessary skills and understanding to take the full advantage of SnapperWorks.
Support - to support the customer's every-day needs and to build long-term relations.
Axelent Software business concept is ... ”offer customer value through simplified and more efficient selling process and enhanced quality and shorter lead time”.

Axelent Software develops and markets SnapperWorks. It's our only product. This means that we have genuin knowledge in automating and streamlining the selling and configuration processes with SnapperWorks.
The first version of SnapperWorks was released in 1994 and through close cooperation with active customers, developed and improve since.